Case studies

This page is really about looking at case studies for problem solving Jimny issues: both mine and other peoples’ situations.

Autonomous braking SERVICE WARNING: example 1

After starting car on a trip, SERVICE WARNING appeared on the dashboard. Error did not reset after disconnecting battery and reoccurs ~5 seconds after every ignition start of the car. Gauge cluster info screen is orange and cannot navigate to other parts of the gauge cluster info screens with this warning shown.

Autonomous braking SERVICE WARNING: example 2

When driving the car, after semi-hard braking SERVICE WARNING appeared on the dashboard. Gauge cluster info screen is orange and cannot navigate to other parts of the gauge cluster info screens with this warning shown. Warning is reset on ignition off and does not reoccur until sufficient braking is encountered.

Car feels uncontrollable at speeds about 70-80 km/h

Owner describes car as feeling unstable and very difficult to drive at speeds above 70-80 km/h. Car veers slightly when driving and feels ‘wobbly’ as well.